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Milan Hi-Fidelity 2024

October 5 -October 6 |
Country: Italy

MILANO HI-FIDELITY is a hi-end audio & video event dedicated to music and high fidelity enthusiasts, professionals in the sector, sellers and is promoted by importers and manufacturers of high fidelity, audio equipment, quality music labels, and trade magazines. The aim is to offer visitors the opportunity to come into contact and interact directly with operators in the audiophile sector. Listen to the most sophisticated hi-fi equipment on the market today in the best conditions, experience high quality 2-channel audio and HT technologies, learn about and listen to music "at the source".

In the national panorama of similar events, MILANO HI-FIDELITY, which has reached its 32nd edition, 53rd overall, has now positioned itself as a desired point of reference for the public of audiophiles and musicians in northern Italy.

The main feature of the event has been and is to present a careful selection of importers and producers among those who offer a significant presence in the sector.

Melià Hotel Congress Centre

  • via Masaccio 19,
    20149 Italy


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